A9text - Text Doc
- License: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
- Version: 20080701

[[a9text<=./a9text.png]] is a set of text-doc specification,implementations and tools.
it is easy and friendly to read, write and translate(to docbook/html/pdf).

0. Sections

1. main links
  * [[my home (www.trydofor.com)=>http://www.trydofor.com]]
  * [[project home=>http://sourceforge.net/projects/a9text]]
  * [[project code=>http://a9text.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/a9text/]]
  * [[download js-impl zip file (cvs,0.6M)=>a9text.zip]]
  * [[download released files (sf.net)=>http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=197873]]
  * [[mail list=>mailto:a9text@googlegroups.com]]
  * [[a9text group at google=>http://groups.google.com/group/a9text]]

2. svn access

3. impl_javascript
a pure javascript implementation,
works well on IE6.0/Opera8.5/Firefox1.5.
there are some useful tools, like right-click-menu.

3.1. impl_javascript structure
  |  a9loader.js          js loader and async manager
  |  a9text.htm           html/js entrance
  |  change-log.txt       (Deprecated)
  |  todos.txt            new chagelog
  +- __testdemo__         test and demo
  +- doc                  document
  +- com/trydofor/a9text  ***(interesting things)
  +- com/trydofor/a9js
  |   +- http
  |   |      __info__.js  package description
  |   |      xhr.js       XmlHttpRequest class
  |   +- code
  |   |      __info__.js  package description
  |   |      aes.js       Aes class
  |   |      md5.js       Md5 class
  |   +- format
  |   |      __info__.js  package description
  |   |      date.js      like java's DateFormat

3.2. impl_javascript a9loader example
In fact, the a9loader is a class loader of a9text,it make js works like java.
it is an important part of a9text runtime,it can works standalong.

code example:
=============== js : A9Loader.asyncLoadClass ===============
domRender = new com.trydofor.a9text.render.dom.a9text.A9TextRender();
htmRender = new com.trydofor.a9text.render.html.a9text.A9TextRender();

3.3. impl_javascript examples
*) [[A9text Manual (htm-render)=>impl_javascript/a9text.htm]]
*) [[A9text UserGuide (htm-render)=>impl_javascript/doc/cn/a9text/a9text-guide.htm]]
*) [[A9text TestAll (dom-render/htm-render)=>impl_javascript/__testdemo__/com_trydofor_a9tex/test-a9textAll.htm]]
*) [[A9text CodeUtil=>impl_javascript/tools/minitools/code-util.htm]]
*) [[A9text SetUtil=>impl_javascript/tools/minitools/set-util.htm]]

4. impl_java
java and eclipse plugin implementation,
more powerful to write and translate(docbook,pdf,word)

5. other links
  * [[JSI=>http://jsintegration.sourceforge.net/]]
  * [[Ecma-262=>http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-262.htm]]
  * [[AsciiDoc=>http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/]]

more in cvs, good luck :)